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Teaching and Learning 

Our Mathematics provision follows the 2014 National Curriculum and is taught through daily Maths lessons. All Maths lessons have clear learning objectives displayed so that the children understand the expectations of the task. Success criteria are consistently referred to during teacher modelling and used effectively when the children self-assess at the end of the task. The success criteria and Learning objective will be referred to also when feedback is given by the teacher. 

During teaching, a range of methods are used to teach the appropriate strategies, including teacher examples, collaborative activities, quick whiteboards etc, to ensure lessons are quick paced, engaging and fun. The CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) methods are also used to help each child progress in their learning and aide understanding to then be able to apply their learning to more everyday problems and reasoning. 

Effective differentiation is in place so that all children have the opportunity to meet every learning intention. The differentiation is also planned via the ‘challenge by choice’ approach which ensures all children have the opportunity to move on with their learning. There is various concrete equipment available for children to use to aid their understanding of topics taught, adult support, and peer support is also highly encouraged. 

Teachers also use quick activities to embed quick recall of fluency skills on a daily basis via the Number of the Day. This includes various different ways to represent a given number, give a percentage of, round it (depending on what skills is needed within each class). 

Displays are used throughout the school to promote mathematics. Each class has a dedicated working wall, which displays vocabulary, supporting methods, whole class work, good examples of work relevant to the unit being taught that week. 

The explicit teaching of times tables is a big focus. Alongside this, each child from Y2 will have their own times tables book to learn tables, one at a time. The tables is then tested once a week, in order, randomly and then division facts before they progress to the next table. Having this approach alongside the teaching will ensure confidence in knowing their times tables, up to x12, by the end of year 4. In KS1, the use of this approach is also evident for learning number bonds. 


All teachers use a range of assessment for learning strategies to help them pick up, in each lesson, who has grasped the concept and who may need further support. This helps to then adapt further lessons too. 

As well as this, every term, classes carry out summative assessments, which are provided by PiXL (Year 6 use past SATs papers). These tests are an effective tool to help the children get used to being in test conditions. It also, through the vigorous QLA process, helps teachers see which skills the class has fully understood, and those that may need revisiting. 

PiXL PLCs (Personalised Learning Checklists) are used to tailor individual children’s learning and support intervention strategies across the federation. These are used across the Mathematics curriculum. 


Years 2-6 also have a weekly arithmetic focus which includes a mini test, in a more informal way, to help develop quick fluency skills and at pace too. 

Every week, each class also carries out a Tackling Tables test, which works alongside our times tables approach (explained in teaching and learning) to enable quick recall of times tables. The individual tables test is carried out on a 1:1 basis, maybe small groups, depending on need. 

Planning and Resources 

From YR – Y6, teachers plan a rich and varied curriculum from a variety of planning sources, including: 

  • White Rose Maths 
  • NCETM 

Across the Federation, the Mathematics yearly overviews sets out the objectives to be covered, and roughly how many weeks needed each term to ensure, by the end of the year, coverage has been made. Lessons are then planned by class teachers which takes into account different year groups within one class and can be edited to suit classes needs. The yearly overview has been created to become a working document as the year progresses. 

The overview ensures the National Curriculum is covered securely and that year group expectations are met. It has been created with close attention to these objectives and with the support of White Rose Maths Small Steps. 

Equal Opportunities 

All children have equal opportunities to reach their full potential across the Mathematics curriculum, regardless of their race, gender, cultural background, and ability, or of any physical or sensory disability. 

Special Educational Needs 

Some children experience learning difficulties, which affect their progress in Mathematics. Class teachers will inform the SENDCO they are concerned that a child may have underlying learning difficulties. Some children then receive SEN support. 

Those who need extra support but are not highlighted as SEN, or on the school’s watchlist, may also receive extra support via interventions, if they need it. This is then recorded using an Intervention tracker. 

Specific interventions/support we have available are: 

  • First Class @ Number 
  • Power of 2 
  • Quality First Teaching and TA support 
  • Many manipulatives 

High Achievers 

Children who achieve highly in Mathematics will be supported and given opportunities to deepen their knowledge and skills through differentiation, including opportunities for applying their skills. The success criteria for the lesson also indicates how greater depth has been taught within the context of the lesson and how this can be demonstrated by the child in outcomes of work. 

Get in Touch
Flitcham Church of England Primary Academy
Church Road, Flitcham
Norfolk PE31 6BU