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Collective Worship

Collective worship is an important part of our life as a Church school and our programme provides an excellent opportunity for our whole community to take time out of the normal hectic day to focus on issues beyond the taught curriculum. We base this programme on a half termly Christian ‘Value’, aligned to our school vision. 

Every member of the school community shares in a daily act of worship. This meets the requirements of the 1988 Education Act, which states that every student must attend an act of worship every day and that these acts of worship should be “predominantly Christian”.  

Children take part in daily collective worship, this involves a focus on our Christian value of the half term, we sing a hymn and always say the Lord’s Prayer. Our Year 6 worship leaders prepare the hall for worship and organise the prayer space. In addition children are invited to play their instruments as we walk in and out of worship. Parents are welcome to attend our sharing assembly on a Monday Afternoon at 2.45pm, when in addition to the above we also share the news of the week from all of the classes and hear about pupils’ achievements both in and outside of school.

Our local Rector, Canon Reverend Paul Williams attends collective worship weekly to conduct a service in school and we also attend our nearby St Mary’s church for a half termly family  

Holy communion and all the dates in the liturgical calendar eg: Harvest Festival, Nativity, Easter etc. We also have special services for Rogation and Clypping, which everyone enjoys especially as they involve celebrating worship outside in our wonderful local countryside on the Sandringham Estate .

Our Christian Values:

Autumn 1 – Genorosity

Autumn 2 – Compassion

Spring 1 – Courage

Spring 2 – Forgiveness

Summer 1 – Friendship

Summer 2 – Respect

Get in Touch
Flitcham Church of England Primary Academy
Church Road, Flitcham
Norfolk PE31 6BU