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Pupil Outcomes

We are delighted with the statutory results this Summer. Our children and staff have worked really hard in the post-covid period, to close academic gaps and achieve fabulous results. 

Summer 2022 Statutory Results 

GLD Reception80%
Phonics 73% in Year 1100% cumulative by end of Year 2

KS1 – Reading 63% expected, 12% Greater depth 

KS1 63% EXP,  12% GDS 63% EXP,  12%GDS 100% EXP,  12%GDS 63% EXP,  12%GDS 
KS2 100% EXP, 38% GDS 100% EXP, 25% GDS 63% EXP, 0% GDS 63% EXP, 0% GDS 

Children have also experienced success outside of academic results eg first places in Cross country competitions and one of our pupils has even become a National Sailing champions. 

Get in Touch
Flitcham Church of England Primary Academy
Church Road, Flitcham
Norfolk PE31 6BU